Euro Manganese Announces Results of Special Meeting
NR 2020-11
Vancouver, Canada May 1, 2020) – Euro Manganese Inc. (TSX-V/ASX: EMN) (the "Company" or "EMN") is pleased to announce that at a Special Meeting of shareholders (the "Meeting") held on May 1, 2020, shareholders have voted in favour of each of the nine resolutions approving the subscription by related parties of common shares of the Company ("Shares") as required by Listing Rules 15.1 and 15.1.4 of the Australian Securities Exchange ("ASX"). The subscription of Shares or CHESS Depositary Interests ("CDIs") by related parties (consisting of directors of the Company and companies controlled by directors of the Company) represents the second tranche (the "Related Parties Tranche") of the non-brokered private placement (the "Offering"), which was announced by the Company on March 24, 2020.
Detailed results of the voting from the Meeting, all of which were carried out and decided by ballot, are set out below.

In accordance with the rules of the ASX, votes cast by directors of the Company were excluded from voting on each of the above resolutions. Accordingly, the total votes in the above table exclude 18,066,999 votes cast by directors of the Company. Excluding the 18,066,999 votes cast by directors of the Company, a total of 23,244,244 Shares were voted in connection with the Meeting, representing approximately 100% of the issued and outstanding Shares eligible to vote on the resolutions.
In accordance with ASX Listing Rule 3.13.2(e), the following information is being provided for the aggregate number of securities for which valid proxies were received before the Meeting:

(1) Excludes 18,066,999 votes cast by proxy by directors of the Company.
The results of all matters considered at the Meeting are reported in the Report of Voting Results as filed by the Company on SEDAR at www.sedar.com.
About Euro Manganese Inc.
Euro Manganese Inc. is a Canadian mineral resource company focused on the development of the Chvaletice Manganese Project in the Czech Republic. The Project will recycle historic mine tailings that host Europe’s largest manganese deposit and result in an environmental remediation of this site. The European Union is emerging as a major electric vehicle manufacturing hub. EMN's goal is to become the preferred supplier of sustainably produced ultra-high-purity manganese products for the lithium-ion battery industry and for producers of specialty steel, high-technology chemicals and aluminum alloys.
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange), or the ASX accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
This announcement was authorized for release by the CEO of Euro Manganese Inc.
Marco A. Romero President & CEO
(604)-681-1010 ext. 101
E-mail: info@mn25.ca Website: www.mn25.ca
Fausto Taddei Vice President,
Corporate Development & Corporate Secretary
(604)-681-1010 ext. 105
Company Address: 1500 – 1040 West Georgia Street,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V6E 4H8
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